2024.11.19 16:27


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방 분류
투표 남은 시간

대상 정지 요청 기간
찬성한 배심원
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게임 정보가 없습니다.   리플레이 정보가 없습니다.  
첨부 :

螢幕擷取畫面 2024-11-19 152001.png.jpg




I fulfill my role in the game by protecting night elf territory from intruders. I didn't break any rules. Will I be fired for poor performance? Can you give me fair help? In the final battle, the thief rushed out and was knocked down in a duel with three people. Then, the knight also rushed out and was knocked to the ground by the three men.
They blame me for this. I watched the replay. They seemed to have a problem with me detonating the ultimate fireball. At 40 minutes. I was kicked off the political boat.









例如)在 00 分鐘左右,他以某種方式使用了山羊,在 00 分鐘左右,他使用了狗物品,在 00 分鐘左右,他發誓,在 00 分鐘左右,他潛水了,等等。


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